Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten - In the Room

As soon as we got into the room, all the kids had to put their folders in a bin, their lunches on a table, their cups by the sink, and their backpacks in their lockers. Luckily we went to "Meet the Teacher Night" so he knew where his locker was, and all his supplies were already at his desk.

After we dropped him off, Andy went home, so he could leave for work, and I went to the mom's breakfast. I guess I was suppose to be emotional about Drew starting life in the big bad world... but I wasn't. He was ready for it, and I was too. It hasn't been all smooth sailing, but after a bit of a rocky start, and a few trips to the doctor, we have settled in great. He loves school, loves to learn, and has made a good impression on his teacher.
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