Monday, June 7, 2010

Drew's Birthday Party

Drew's birthday party was the Sunday after his actual birthday (better late than never for this post right?). We had a Star Wars party for him this year, complete with a Darth Vader pinata (that got knocked down before the party even started.) But Drew took it like a champ and had a great time with is friends hitting what was left of the helmet.

Darth before the party, and before the fatal hit.

Drew with his new Star Wars shirt and birthday button.

The Yoda cake made by the wonderful Sandy. The cake was actually green just like Yoda.

The boys hitting Vader's helmet after the pinata was knocked down.
Much like last year, once the festivities started to calm down, we realized that Drew was running a fever. Later that night he ended up getting pretty sick. But as least he got to have a great birthday week.
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