Saturday, August 16, 2008

It Finally Clicked...

Several months ago, I posted about the adventure of potty training we started with Drew (see The Adventure has Begun... ). After that weekend he showed absolutely no interest in using the potty, so we decided to back off until after our cruise in early June. Once we got back from our cruise Drew started swimming lessons, so we (and by we I me "I") decided to wait until after swimming lessons to start trying again. Swimming lessons ended 2 weeks later and we sort of half-heartedly began potty training Drew again. He still wasn't real interested, so we tried not to push it, but still took him to the potty regularly. He would go when we made him, but never told us he needed to go. Like all boys, he loved using the potty targets we had bought him, and like all kids, loved whatever the latest bribe we were trying, but really didn't ever initiate going to the bathroom on his own.

Then, about a week ago, something "clicked"! We were at dinner with some good friends and Drew said "I need to go potty!", so Andy took him! Not only did he go in the potty, but he was still dry too. That was a Friday night, and by Monday he was staying dry most of the day, with only a few accidents. By Thursday he was waking up dry in the mornings, and going to the bathroom by himself without even telling us throughout the day. Last night, he even woke up at 3:00 am and called for me because he needed to go to the bathroom. He hasn't had an accident during the day since Tuesday! What a difference a week makes. Someone told me about a month ago that one day it would just click, and that he had to decide he wanted to do it... and boy were they right.

Right now, he is still wearing a pull up, because he likes being able to see that his designs are still there, but we are planning to make the jump to "big boy underwear" on Monday. So say a prayer for us and him as we take this next step.

We are so proud of our little boy. But also a little sad that he is growing us so fast.

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